
About Us


The modern guide to living your best life.

Who are we?

We're an ethical, wellness focused lifestyle brand. Inspired by the slow-paced Scandinavian way of living. Sind was established in 2021, during our final year of our undergraduate degree. Created and curated by us; psychology graduates - Anna, Becky and Ella. We're passionate about mindfulness and enhancing your daily well-being. Providing you with self care tips, health and wellness inspo to help you stress less, feel calmer and live a happier life.

Sind, danish translation for mind. Lykke is the danish word for happiness, and we couldn't think of a better country to take inspiration from. Denmark consistently tops the world rankings when it comes to the happiest nations in the world.

Alongside our wellness tips is our anxiety jewellery. Our rings are the perfect, discrete ring for everyday use. Specifically designed for those who are anxious by redirecting their fidgeting. 

Here at Sind we're all about making small changes to help you stress less and feel calmer. By effectively balancing different elements of your day to day; from practicing mindfulness, making considered nutritional choices and moving more. You'll feel better, happier and calmer, living a more fulfilled lifestyle. 


Anna, Becky & Ella x


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